Thursday, March 29, 2012

Win A Personally Designed Cornhole Set!

Want to win and personally design your own cornhole set?!?!

So I know it has been awhile since we have done a drawing but we have had a lot going on and thought it would be good to take a little bit of a break from the fundraising endeavors. Now, we are back and ready to go!!!! A very sweet friend of ours works with a cornhole design company and has volunteered his time and resources to donate a cornhole set and assist the winner in personally designing their own image/logo for the boards. We are blessed to have so many wonderful friends and family that are helping our dream of bringing home our child a reality!

Your cornhole set will come with 2 boards, bags, carrying case for bags, and instructions. Here is what your cornhole set will look like before you create your own design:

If you want to learn more about the company that our friend works with, you can go to to learn more and see some of the designs that have already been created. I also thought that I would include a couple of pictures of boards that the company has done to help get your mind going as you thinkabout how you would design your own set. Check out the pictures below. Just think, you could have your own personally designed cornhole set for your summer cookouts, graduation parties, and just because events!

You have between Sunday, April 1st to Monday, April 30th at midnight to take part in this giveaway and be entered in for a chance to WIN your own FREE personally designed cornhole set. For every $5 you donate to our adoption giveaway, you will receive 1 entry into the drawing. See details about how to obtain more entries in the giveaway below. Thank you in advance for your contribution and willingness to help us get one step closer in our adoption journey! We know that only by faith and trusting in God's timing will we reach our financial goal and receive our placement for our child! Thank you so much for your love and support! We couldn't do this without you!

Want to know how you can be entered for a chance to win?!?! I'm glad you asked! I would be happy to tell you!

You can make your donation by clicking "GIVE" on the GiveForward box on the right side of this page. You will be directed to our personal donation site where you can enter your donation amount. Remember, for every $5 donated, you will receive an entry into the giveaway.

NOTE: When you give your donation with GiveForward, please be sure to provide your name. If you choose, you can select the box that reads,"I would like to hide the amount given." Also, at the bottom of the donation page, please make sure you check the box that reads, "I would like to share my contact information with the beneficiary." This will ensure that we receive the necessary information to enter your name in the giveaway! If you would like your donation to be made in private, please feel free to mail us your donation.

You may also mail a check with your donation to our home address. Once we have received your check, we will make the appropriate number of entries into the giveaway. Please email us at for our mailing address.

After you donate, post something about this on Facebook and we'll add your name again to the list. Just be sure to friend one of us (Kelly or Lindsey Bullard) in your status on Facebook. If you desire your name to be put on the list for the drawing without donating, just email Note: GiveForward donations are not tax deductible. If you
would like to send a check just email me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

An Update On Our Journey!

Well, it's been a while since we've updated our blog...long over due! While we've received many questions through this process, the most common question we are asked is, "Have you heard anything about your adoption?" Our repeated answer is, "no, we're still waiting." We understand that those inquiring are excited and anxious, just as we are. Our adoption agency told us that the waiting period would be the hard part...and it is!

Every day we keep our phones close by wondering if this will be the day we get the call. We know that God is sovereign and that we'll have a baby in His perfect timing. As we've said before this process is definitely teaching us to trust in God and lean upon Him.

While we wait, one of the big questions that we face and struggle with is concerning the financial side of our adoption. As you know, adoptions are very expensive. While we are so grateful for those who have supported us so far, we still have about 65% of our adoption cost that has to be paid. This remaining cost has to be paid at the placement of our baby. Not knowing when the placement will be, this can be a little nerve wrecking.

We are in the process of completing grant applications and trying to do what we can to make the financial arrangements for placement, whenever that might be. We will still do some fundraising to help with these expenses. Please subscribe to our blog, so you can stay up to date with our journey.

Thank you for your love, support, and prayers. Your prayers are the most important thing that we need during this journey!