Today we completed our final home study! It feels like after 2 years of struggling with the longing to be parents but unable to have children that we have just taken one huge step forward in our adoption process. Now, we still have to wait to receive our "official" approval letter from Bethany but we should begin the waiting process for placement starting sometime in January. The process has been such a smooth and easy journey so far. We have the most amazing case worker who we have truly enjoyed getting to know. Here is a picture that I took today with her at our final home study.
Please continue to keep us in your prayers as this is the hardest part of the process...the waiting period. We hope it goes by quickly but we know that in God's timing that He will bring us and our baby together. Also, keep checking our blog for continued updates as well as information on monthly basket giveaways that we will be having. Check out our Direct Selling Into December basket, which ends on December 15, and how you can be entered in for a chance to win this great basket for gifts for yourself or to finish up some last minute Christmas shopping.
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