We are so thankful that God has called many individuals and organizations to come to the aid of these children who are so precious to our Lord. One of these organizations is AdoptionBug.com. This company was started to provide assistance to families in raising financial support for their adoption. Today, not only does AdoptionBug help with the financial obligations of adoption, a portion of their proceeds go to help organizations who are on the front line of orphan care, like Show Hope, etc.
We have created a site through AdoptionBug to help raise financial support for our own baby adoption. When you visit our site (www.adoptionbug.com/bullard) you'll be able to purchase adoption related t-shirts, that will not only help our adoption and the care of orphans around the world, but you'll help promote adoption and orphan awareness. There are 6 different t-shirt designs that you can choose from. In fact, the two images in this post are both t-shirt designs! The prices vary, depending on shirt style and size. A portion of the cost of the t-shirt will come to us for our adoption, and if you purchase a "Show Hope" t-shirt, a portion of the cost will go to our adoptions, as well as the ministry of Show Hope (www.showhope.org), which is affiliated with Steven Curtis Chapman. Please note: When you go to our site only the 6 shirts on the home page help support our adoption. There are other shirts on the site, but only those 6 will go to help with our personal adoption.
To check out these really cool t-shirts and to order yours today, please visit our personal site at www.adoptionbug.com/bullard. We are so thankful for your love, support, and prayers through this journey. While our previous fundraising efforts have helped us tremendously with our adoption expenses thus far, we are really excited about this effort, because we will be helping support adoptions and orphans around the world!